- Lincoln’s personal history. What professional and political experience did Abraham Lincoln accumulate before becoming President?
(Ch.1—Humble Beginnings, pp.15-29; Ch.2—Making of a Statesman, pp.30-35)
- The main conflict between North and South that led to war.
- What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)?
- What was the Dred Scott decision (1857)?
- Why did each one bring Lincoln out of private life and “rekindle” his political career?
(Ch. 2—Making of a Statesman, pp.35-41)
- Why saving the Union was important.
- What arguments did Lincoln make against southern secession?
- In what ways did he repress civil liberties during the war and otherwise “stretch the limits of presidential authority”?
(Ch.3—Lincoln and the Union, pp.48-63)
- Freeing the slaves. McGovern states that the Emancipation Proclamation “transformed the meaning of the war and redefined…the notion of freedom in America.”
- What was Lincoln’s early attitude toward slavery?
- What were his attitudes toward racial equality?
- On what grounds did he justify emancipation?
(Ch.4—Lincoln and Emancipation, pp.64-72)
- How the North won the war. McGovern states that Lincoln began the Civil War advocating “limited war” but later replaced it with “total war.”
- What does he mean by these?
- How did Generals Ulysses S Grant and William Sherman implement the policy of total warfare?
(Ch.5—Lincoln and Total War, pp.80-87, 92-96)
- Republican reform. What major domestic reforms were passed during Lincoln’s 1st and 2nd terms?
(Ch. 7—Rising Above the Fray, pp.119-122)
Format Instructions
- Your essay must be typed and double-spaced.
- Use Question-Answer format
- Write out the question, then write a short essay answering it.
- Do that for each question.
- Otherwise, I will not accept the essay.
- Use quotes and page citations for each question (at least one quote per numbered question).
- Essays that don’t use quotes/page citations will be graded down.
- Place the page citation in parentheses at the end of the quote.
- If you’re using a digital version of the book, use their page or location numbers.
- Your essay must be a minimum of six pages.
- One page = roughly 24 lines of essay; one 6-page essay = in the neighborhood of 1,500 words.
- There is no maximum limit on how much you can write.
- A-range essays are longer. Sometimes a lot longer.
- All answers must come from the McGovern biography. Don’t use outside sources.
- How to submit:
- Turn it in through Blackboard/Assignments, no later than Thursday, September 23.
- Anytime that day (until 11:59 pm).
- You can also turn it in any time before then, if you like.
- Hand in your own work, so you don’t fail. That’s not a problem with most of my students.