本次新加坡作业主要为excel business application system报告的商科代写assignment


Early in the morning, you decided to walk through the Lake Garden to enjoy the morning scene. You reached the Lake Garden at around 7.00 a.m. After a 15-minute walk, you saw a guy in a black shirt standing quietly at one of the stop centres in the garden. After a while, you decided to talk to this guy and say hello.

Syafiq : Hello. I’m Syafiq.
Aamar : Hello. Aamar here.
Syafiq : How are you? You seem to have a problem. Sorry to bother you.
Aamar : (Silence)
Syafiq : Mind to talk?
Aamar : Sure.
Syafiq : What bothers you? Well… if you don’t mind sharing.
Aamar : Actually, it’s about my family business. I took over from my late dad two years ago. The business was not good since the takeover time and getting worse till now.
Syafiq : What’s the problem?
Aamar : According to my observation, we had good sales for our products for each year. We also practised spending expenses at a very minimum level. However, the business still reported losses.
Syafiq : How many staff do you have?
Aamar : I have forty (40) staff, of which ten (12) are sales executives. Four sales executives are located in each of the three (3) different branches, namely, Alor Setar (Northern Region), Johor Bharu (Southern Region), and Kuala Lumpur (Central Region). However, some of them did not perform as expected, but they still received the same amount of salary regularly. We’ve never practised giving them different sales allowance and incentives based on their existing performance.
In addition, based on the existing financial reports, I don’t know which

branch performs better than another. The business currently lacks information to track its sales, expenses, and staff performance.



Syafiq : Does your company use a kind of system or automated system in your business process?
Aamar : I’m afraid not. At the moment, all processes, including data, are manually done. Subsequently, some of the related supporting documents were not properly maintained or preserved; some were missing. So far, we have not had such an automated system that would assist management in making a strategic decision, such as in investment and capital budgeting.
Syafiq : Well…..It sounds that you have serious data management and analytical issue. However, I think I can help you with this. I graduated from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) with a Bachelor Degree in Accounting (Information Systems) and have ten (10) years of experience in this area (data analysis). I set up my own business (10)

years ago to assist companies in data analysis.


Mr. Syafiq promised to keep in touch with Mr. Aamar and assist him in this matter. They left the Lake Garden with high hopes.

A day after, Mr. Syafiq meets you at your office and asks your help to assist him in this matter. He believes that it is time for Mr. Aamar to start automating all the business processes and also the data.

For this purpose, you’re thinking of creating a business application/system for Mr. Aamar’s business using a free- and user-friendly software, Microsoft Excel. However, you need to understand his business and asked for an interview session with him.

From the interview, you learned that his business falls in the                          industry (for this purpose, you need to choose one (1) of the following industries; insurance, hotel, and transportation).



  • Briefly explain the background of the business in the chosen
  • Explain THREE (3) data analytical problems faced by Mr. Aamar. These problems should be related to a business application/system designed by you in (d) (see requirement d).
  • Explain ONE (1) impact of each of the data analytical problems, mentioned in (b), to the business.
  • Create a relevant business application/system using Microsoft Excel to solve the identified problems in (b). Examples of the application/system are sales performance system, employee performance system, investment model, and many However, inventory and billing systems are prohibited.


  1. Your suggested application/system cannot be similar to in-class materials (lecture notes, exercises, and assignments).
  2. Include the screenshots of the application’s interfaces in the
  3. Explain the functions of the application/system (User guidelines).
  • Explain how the proposed business application/system could solve the existing


REMEMBER! You’ll be assessed based on the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CTPS) (Appendix 1) and System Development criteria (Appendix 2).

Hence, be creative enough and make use of many of the relevant Microsoft Excel functions, ranging from basic (e.g., mathematical and text functions) to advanced functions (e.g., data validation, lookup, dashboard, pivot) in the design.




  1. Format of Report
    • Format: Typed, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, Font size 12, Margin 2.5 cm or 1 inch, justified.
    • Number each page excluding cover page and table of
    • Language: Report should be written in
    • Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and paragraph construction are very Please check your report before submission and edit your paper for readability.
    • Use heading and sub-heading appropriately. Number your heading and sub- heading
    • Number and label all tables/figures (if any)