本次美国代写主要为国际贸易相关的problem set
F0(S; U)= minfS; Ug,F1(S; U)= S +U。
的好! 2 f0; 1g并写出wS和wU来表示熟练工和非熟练工的工资。
一种。假设p0 = p1> 2.为此经济建立带有单位收益曲线的图表
并显示此图所隐含的可能的要素价格(wS; wU),假设
b。在a的上下文中,确定0 <SH <UH时的产出和要素价格。做
对于SH> UH> 0,情况相同。
C。假设p0 = p1 <2。为此经济设置带有单位收入曲线的图表
并显示在给定任何因子end赋SH> 0和UH> 0的情况下会发生什么。
2.考虑一个LH> 0劳动单位和KH> 0资本单位的母国。
有两种消费商品,以索引! 2 f0; 1克好的 !可以生产
F!(K; L)= x!K + z!L,
其中K 0是资本,L 0是劳动力。写出0和p的价格的p0和p1
并显示图表如何随着参数从z1 = z0> x1 = x0的变化而变化
到z1 = z0 <x1 = x0(同时显示两个图表)。
b。在这两种情况中的每种情况下,可能的均衡相对价格p0 = p1是多少?
国外为KF 2(0; KH),LF = LH,技术与
本国。对于其余部分,仅考虑z1 = z0> x1 = x0的情况。
1. Consider a country with SH skilled workers and UH unskilled workers. There are two
Önal goods, indexed by 0 and 1, and the respective production functions are
F0(S; U) = minfS; Ug, F1(S; U) = S + U.
Essentially, workers must work in a team of one skilled worker and one unskilled worker
to produce good 0, and they can produce good 1 by themselves. Write p! for the price
of good! 2 f0; 1g and write wS and wU for skilled and unskilled wages.
a. Suppose p0=p1> 2. Set up a diagram with the unit-revenue curves for this economy
and show the possible factor prices (wS;wU) implied by this diagram, assuming that
both goods are produced.
b. In the context of a, determine output and factor prices when 0 <SH <UH. Do the
same for the case SH> UH> 0.
c. Suppose p0=p1 <2. Set up a diagram with the unit-revenue curves for this economy
and show what will happen given any factor endowments SH> 0 and UH> 0. What do
you know about factor prices in this case?
d. Show the production possibility set for this economy and conÖrm the conclusions
about output you reached in a, b and c.
2. Consider a home country with LH > 0 units of labor and KH > 0 units of capital.
There are two consumption goods, indexed by ! 2 f0; 1g. Good ! can be produced
using a technology deÖned by the production function
F!(K; L) = x!K + z!L,
where K 0 is capital and L 0 is labor. Write p0 and p1 for the prices of good 0 and
good 1, respectively, and v and w for the factor prices of capital and labor. Everyone
has the same homothetic preferences with indi§erence curves that never hit the axes.
a. In a diagram with output of good 0 on the horizontal axis and output of good 1 on the
vertical axis, describe the production possibility frontier of this economy. Carefully label
everything and show how the diagram changes as parameters change from z1=z0 > x1=x0
to z1=z0 < x1=x0 (show both diagrams.)
b. What are the possible equilibrium relative prices p0=p1 in each of these two cases?
c. Show the Lerner diagram for this economy. Describe the cone of diversiÖcation.
What is the e§ect of increases in KH or LH on the output of goods 0 and 1, taking the
prices p0 and p1 as given?
Now suppose there is also a foreign country with consumers who have the same prefer-
ences as consumers in the home country. The endowments of capital and labor in the
foreign country are KF 2 (0;KH) and LF = LH, and the technology is the same as in
the home country. For the remainder, consider only the case z1=z0 > x1=x0.
d. Show the production possibility frontiers of the two countries in one diagram.