General instructions
• This assignment is covered under the Honor Code of the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. • This assignment is due by the deadline listed on the course website. Except for the submission deadline, there is no time limit to complete the assignment. • This is a team assignment. The work for this assignment is to be your team’s effort alone, without consultation or assistance from anyone who is not a member of your team. Each team is to work independently. • Each member of the team receives the same grade on the assignment. • This assignment is open books and open notes. You can only access the material that is intended for this course and that is made available through the course website and the course packet, as well as your notes. You are not permitted to obtain any course materials (including handouts, readings, assignments, etc.) or any solutions from other Fuqua students or any other source. • You may use a laptop in performing calculations. However, when requested by the question, you are expected to inlcude intermediate steps as well as references to the formulas used. • Your answers must be succint, yet clear and articulated. Justfications that support your conclusions are required. There is no need to rewrite the assignment statements and questions. Make sure, however, to indicate to which question each of your answers refers to. • Your submission must consist of one pdf document (2 pages max) with a detailed header including
– course name,
– section and team numbers, and
– the names and the NetIDs of all team members listed in alphabetical order by last name. Further submission requirements might be put in place for specific questions. Such requirements will then be described in the quesiton they apply to. • The submission is online on the course website. • Late or missing submissions will receive no credit.