

Please answer one of the below questions.

  1. Compare the 2023 US bank crisis and the 2008 subprime mortgage and analyse whether the BASEL III framework is effective in regulating the banking industry.
  1. Imagine you newly join a Hong Kong virtual bank as the Chief Risk and Compliance Officer. Given that the bank is incurring loss for these few years, you are required to discuss with the Chief Executive Officer about the possible new business development and associated risk and compliance concerns.

Please suggest two to three new business development and respective risk and compliance concerns. You may either choose to make reference to an existing virtual bank OR set out the basic background for the bank in the essay.

Instructions to students:

This Assignment forms 50% of your final grade for this course.

Please read the following instructions carefully:

  1. Use no less than 1,000 words and no more than 1,500 words IN TOTAL. The word count must be indicated in your answer paper. This word count is INCLUSIVE of all footnotes and bibliography. Any part of the Assignment that is over the word limit may be ignored,and the Assignment may be graded as if the portion over the word limit does not exist.
  1. Answers must be typed using a computer and in English. Type in 1.0 spacing using font size 12 and paginate your work.
  1. Ensure your name and student ID is on your Assignment.
  2. You may not discuss or collaborate with another person when completing this Assignment.

You may consult any other sources in preparing your final paper. Sources are not restricted to those discussed in class.

  1. Your answers must be your own work. When you use sources, cite them adequately for identification using APA format. You are expected to know and abide by the School’s plagiarism policy. Copying another person’s work or using language or ideas without proper attribution can lead to your failure of the course and the entire programme.
  1. Submit your answer paper by uploading to SOUL system.



对比2023年美国银行危机和2008年次贷危机,分析BASEL III框架对银行业监管是否有效。
想象一下,您新加入一家香港虚拟银行,担任首席风险与合规官。 鉴于银行这几年一直在亏损,您需要与首席执行官讨论可能的新业务发展以及相关的风险和合规问题。

请建议两到三个新的业务发展以及各自的风险和合规问题。 你可以选择参考现有的虚拟银行,也可以在文章中列出该银行的基本背景。


该作业占本课程最终成绩的 50%。


使用不少于 1,000 个单词且总共不超过 1,500 个单词。 字数必须在答卷中注明。 此字数包括所有脚注和参考书目。 作业中超过字数限制的任何部分都可能被忽略,并且作业可能会被评分,就好像超出字数限制的部分不存在一样。
答案必须使用计算机和英文键入。 使用 12 号字体输入 1.0 间距并为您的作品分页。

在准备期末论文时,您可以参考任何其他来源。 来源不限于课堂上讨论的内容。

你的答案必须是你自己的作品。 当您使用来源时,请充分引用它们以使用 APA 格式进行识别。 你应该了解并遵守学校的剽窃政策。 抄袭他人的作品或使用没有适当归因的语言或想法可能会导致您的课程和整个计划失败。
通过上传到 SOUL 系统提交您的答卷。