Assignment BRIEF
The module is to develop students’ awareness of a broad range of social and environmental aspects of engineering and to develop students’ appreciation of the social and environmental aspects of a professional career in engineering. This is different in character from most of your studies to date, and the assignment is different from most of your other assignments.
You are to undertake private study informed by lectures, seminars, your own literature review, professional guest speakers, and a professional dialogue with your project supervisor if possible. The professional dialogue will consist of a series of one-to-one meetings between you and your project supervisor through Microsoft Teams arranged at your mutual convenience for each of the topics delivered. Your electronic portfolio is evidence of your study where you produce series of short-condensed statement for each of the topics as evidence of your own study and comments from weekly sessions which you will have uploaded to Blackboard for topics as listed below. For final assessment you are to choose one of these topics and write an essay approximately 2000 words this is the summative part of your assessment, and it will be marked for 100% of the module mark.
The purpose of the electronic submission of individual condensed topics for your portfolio is to support and inform the professional dialogue. It will justify evidence of your private study/research.
- Professional engineering institutions
- Engineering ethics and professional codes of practice
- Engineering career pathways
- Technological developments and their impact on society
- Standardisations and the importance of engineering standards
- Commercial and economic aspects of engineering activity
- Intellectual property and intellectual property rights
- Influence of legislation on engineering activity
- OR a topic of your own after seeking agreement with your module lead
The topics above must be your own work and researched by yourself. It is not acceptable to find a suitable image/comparison table online and use this verbatim even if it is correctly referenced you are required to demonstrate your understanding of the area.
The word limit for the report is 2000 words (see note below for further information on this)
Technical Report Writing
To complete the report, you will have to thoroughly research the area using reliable sources and thoroughly reference where your information and statements are coming from. The aim of the report is to be clear, concise and convey technical information to the reader, note that the reader is familiar and experienced in the area.
Ensure that you aim your report for this audience.
A guide on writing a technical document can be found at the following (this will also be uploaded to blackboard):
Please read over the above document to ensure that you are clear on what a technical report is and you are clear on what you are required to complete, note the above is a guide not an explicit standard you will be required to ensure that your technical report contains the relevant information presented correctly for the reader.
Notes on Wordcount and Referencing
For good marks and given the limited wordcount you should produce work that is: accurate; thorough; wellargued; clear; accurately referenced; relevant and written in correct (UK) English grammar and spelling. You may include figures and tables with short captions (25 words each) and a list of references without affecting the overall word count. Remember that you have limited words so ensure that you “stick to the point” and do not got into detail on superficial elements.
Ensure that you include references when discussing technical facts and statements on the technology used. You must reference all your sources of information. These should be cited in the appropriate part of the report and fully identified to meet the Harvard referencing standard in a list at the end. Website articles must be properly referenced to be considered as legitimate references.
Presentation of assignment work
Except where specifically stated in the assignment brief, assignment work submissions should be wordprocessed, in Microsoft Word 2016 format, with a footer comprising: your module code; date; page number.
Please read over the guide to writing a technical document https://www.theiet.org/media/5182/technical
report-writing.pdf and ensure that you fully understand the requirements of the assessment. There will be a lecture session on the assignment and writing a technical document.
Ensure that you research and read into the subject area before writing the report so that you have a good background understanding to the subject area.
Assessment Release date: 12/12/2022 Assessment Deadline Date and time: 03/03/23 11.59 pm Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!
Your feedback/feed forward and mark for this assessment will be provided in line with the universities 15 working day policy for feedback which will be the week Commencing 31st March 2023 unless delayed due to unforeseen events.
The wordcount for the report is a maximum of 2000 words without penalty. This does not include figures and tables with short captions (25 words each) and references. Harvard referencing style is required to be used for this assessment
The report should be uploaded via Blackboard to Turnitin by the deadline.
Ensure that you keep a complete copy of the work you hand in.
Remember it may take some time to upload work to Turnitin, so it is recommended that work is submitted in good time before the deadline to avoid it being flagged as late.
- For academic support please discuss any issues with either Javad Yazdani (jyazdani@uclan.ac.uk) , Or Steve Sigurnjak (ssigurnjak@uclan.ac.uk), please book a session via starfish or email.
- For support with using library resources, please contact Bob Frost (RSFrost@uclan.ac.uk) or SubjectLibrarians@uclan.ac.uk
You will find links to lots of useful resources in the My Library tab on Blackboard.
- If you have not yet made the university aware of any disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, please complete a Disclosure Form. The Inclusive Support team will then contact to discuss reasonable adjustments and support relating to any disability. For more information, visit the Inclusive Support site.
- To access mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form. Alternatively, you can email wellbeing@uclan.ac.uk, call 01772 893020 or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service pages for more information.
- If you have any other query or require further support you can contact The <i>, The Student Information and Support Centre. Speak with us for advice on accessing all the University services as well as the Library services. Whatever your query, our expert staff will be able to help and support you. For more information , how to contact us and our opening hours visit Student Information and Support Centre.
If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online prior to the deadline.