具体作业要求是需要答出本业务问题的主题/战略要素是什么?简单地说明你提出的策略和建议。 对问题的背景进行综合回顾。围绕关键问题组织这部分,清楚地说明我们知道的和不知道的。 写出值得研究的主要问题,然后是目标。市场营销策略分析和计划,你需要在这部分进行市场营销策略分析和计划。你需要应用在本课程中学到的理论来解决问题/主题。
Introduction+ Background + Topic/Question/Problem Statement
- Introduction (i.e., abstract of the whole paper):
What is the topic/strategic elements of problems of this business? Briefly state your proposed strategies, recommendations.
- Background (very brief):
Give an integrated review of the background related to the problem/question.
Organize this part around the key issues and clearly state what we know and don’t know.
- Topic/Question/Problem Statement and Objectives:
- Write the main problem/point/issue that is worthy of investigation, then objectives.
- Marketing strategic analysis and planning (apply what you learned in this course to your topic)
You need to do the marketing strategic analysis and planning in this part. Namely, you need to apply theories learned in this course to solve the problem/topic.
Consumers (end users) – market size, growth, segments table (for each segment, description,size, motivation, unmet needs)
External (the External Factor Evaluation, not a PESTEL) – Summarize and evaluate these factors (whichever are applicable): social, cultural, demographic, economic, political,governmental, legal and regulatory, technological, economic; strategic implication, time frame and importance of each.
Competitors Analysis– Competition related factors, Porter’s five forces, Key Success Factors (KSFs), cost structure, distribution, trends strategic groups (competitors in each, market share, strengths weaknesses), specific competitor (characteristics, strengths weaknesses) competitor strength grid
Internal Analysis – performance (sales, profits, quality/service, cost, new products, customer satisfaction, people, other), past strategy, strategic problems, characteristics of internal org including structure, culture and people, strengths weaknesses, financial projections, brand equity, brand identity, brand relationship, value proposition, portfolio (e.g., BCG) etc.
1) In the above analysis, you must explain and justify your point/argument, e.g., why a certain segment should be the target market, or why some factors are KSFs, why some factors are competitive advantage of the company. You should elaborate enough for each point/argument. Your arguments must be backed up by knowledge in this course.
2) Please collect data for market, industry and the company and integrate data analysis in your above analysis. For example,
Market: market size, growth, different segment size, growth, growth rate etc.
Industry: major competitors’ market share, revenue, financial performance etc.
Company: Internal Analysis – performance (sales, profits, quality/service [Fig 6.1], cost,new products, customer satisfaction, people, other), past strategy, strategic problems,characteristics of internal org including structure, systems, culture and people, strengths weaknesses, financial projections.
Publicly listed companies have lots of data available, for example, they can search on https://www.sedar.com/. For local business, there need to be some data involved.
3) Please use sub-title as listed above in your written report.
- Strategy proposed for Managers. Every point in this part needs to be detailed,
operational and realistic.
1) Strategy proposed – based on keys success factors, business strengths, list key initiatives (e.g., Ch5 but you don’t need to limit to Ch 5)
2) Strategic action plan: This should be a time line of what should be done and when – you should be able to use this as a checklist to carry out your ideas to fruition. Here is an example。
3) Contingency planning: what could the company do if this plan fails? Status Quo is NEVER an option. Also, don’t say things like do more research or (here’s a good one) develop a marketing plan! That’s what you’re doing. Choose one of your backup alternatives. (PARAGRAPHS)
The strategy proposed and your recommendations should flow directly from your analysis from your previous section.
Recommendations should spell out the specific actions to be taken and why.
These recommendations should be specific and operational.
- References:
Please note that your report must be backed up by references quoted in the text by last name of authors and years (e.g. Park, Milberg and Lawson (1991), …). Further, full/complete reference must be written in the reference section in the following format.
Park, C.W., Milberg, S., and Lawson, R. (1991), “Evaluation of brand extensions: The role of product feature similarity and brand concept consistency”, Journal of Consumer Research,Vol 18 No. 2, pp.185-194.
Other notes:
1 This project focuses on real lift industry consulting, insightful thinking, strategic analysis and practical and managerial aspects.
2 Please use citations in your work. References from the Internet need to be carefully examined as they are not accurate. 3 The report should be no longer than 10 pages long (double spaced, 12 font size, normal
page margins with 2.54 cm on 4 sides), including figures, tables, graphs, appendix, references etc. (which can be single-spaced), not including the cover page. Figures and tables can be inserted in the body of the report. Appendices and References (which can be single-spaced) should be put at the end of the report.
The cover page is not included in the 10 pages limit. The cover page needs to include course name, number, students names and numbers, project name, date. Content index is not needed.
4 Your written project should be carefully proofread and edited. Points can be taken off for grammar mistakes.
5 You must hand in one hard copy of your group project and upload to the course website one e-copy.
6 You must fill out the marks allocation form that describes the contribution of each group member to the project. It is decided by a public discussion of your group members. Submit this form on your presentation date (in class submission). The grades for the project will be weighted according to the relative contribution of each group member. (Ideally, group members should contribute equally!). Your report will not be graded unless the marks allocation form is submitted signed by all group members.