The key to an effective social change strategy is having a deep understanding of the customer (or client) who will be the target for your social marketing strategy. Your first step in planning an effective social change strategy is to have a clear customer orientation, which requires you to develop a robust understanding of the client, and a holistic understanding of their lifestyle. A clear customer orientation is important to good social marketing strategy design, as it requires a clear and unequivocal focus on achieving impact on people’s behaviour, which is informed by a strong behavioural analysis. A behavioural analysis is grounded in background research on current behavioural patterns and trends to explain: (1) an understanding of the “problem behaviour”, and (2) the “desire behaviour” (what behaviour you what people to adopt, or how you want them to change).
The individual Segmentation & Target Market Report should include:
- Background research on the social issue/problem: There will be a large amount of existing information for you to draw on to demonstrate knowledge about the issue and problem that is the focus of your project. What is the problem? How bad is it? What contributes to the problem? How do you know? This background description may include scientific or other sources of data, as well as credible news sources useful to identifying public opinion and concerns about the issue you are researching.
- Outcome: provide an evidenced based overview of the problem. This section should show why a social marketing strategy is needed.
- This section of the report ~ 200 words
- Situation Analysis: Start analysing the problem. This activity focuses on analysing a range of external and internal factors that might influence the approach to designing a social marketing strategy. External environmental factors can be: socio-cultural, technological, economic, ecological, political, legal and ethical. You will need to examine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relevant to implementing a social marketing approach. It also involves analysing the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organisation/team/provider network relevant to the design and delivery of the social marketing program (this is the Project Partner).
- Outcome: Identify internal and external factors that may impact the success of the social marketing strategy to be implemented.
- This section of the report ~ 300 words
- Background consumer research. Your goal is to present a good understanding of the population at risk. Focusing on applying a clear ‘customer orientation’ focus, this background section provides a detailed understanding of the problem population, and provide background evidence on why or how the population would benefit from changing their behaviour. This section will include detailed evidence from journal articles, government or market research reports on consumer behaviours, attitudes, motivations, etc.
- Outcome: A detailed understanding of the customer is developed, which focuses on understanding their lives and everyday experiences, avoiding potential to only focus on a single aspect or characteristic. Using a range of research evidence, and where possible finding information from public/government and commercial sources to demonstrate understanding of consumers response to the problem.
- This section of the report ~ 300 words
- Social change problem statement. This section demonstrates your understanding and analysis of the issue based on relevant and up to date information. This section demonstrates detailed information specific to the problem and consequences of the behaviour identified for change.
- Outcome: The problem statement should clearly lead to a well rationalised point of view and position about the problem consumer behaviour and demonstrates the impact of the problem behaviour on society. A good problem statement is clearly actionable, in that it leads informatively to an understanding of the target market selection.
- This section of the report ~ 200 words
- Identification of market segments and potential target market(s). Understanding the consumer/target group is fundamental to good social marketing program design and implementation. This section provides a detailed analysis of the consumer population, including discussion of segmentation bases applied to analyse the consumer population – each of the following need to be addressed: demographic bases, geographic bases, behavioural bases, psychographic bases. Critical to this step is being clear and demonstrating an understanding of people’s behaviour.
- Outcome: A market segmentation is completed, based on identifying FOUR clearly defined segments based on research evidence (aligned with Section 3).
- Evaluate each segment (applying Lee & Kotler’s Criteria, p. 158-159).
- Identify ONE priority segment will be selected as the TARGET market that could be influenced to change their behaviour.
- Justify the target market. The justification will include explanation using oDemographic segmentation – explanation with justification and rationales of at least three demographic bases used to segment this target market.
oGeographic segmentation – explanation with justification and rationales of at least two geographic bases used to segment this target market.
oBehavioural segmentation – explanation with justification and rationales of at least two descriptions of the target market’s behavioural segmentation.
oPsychographic segmentation – explanation with justification and rationales of at least two psychographic bases used to segment this target market.
- This section of the report ~ 500 words