Subject Overview / Subject Description
Who we are and what we do is all tangled up in our identity. This subject considers how identities are constructed and maintained through mediated processes of self and other. The subject investigates the myriad demands and devices that figure in constructing our senses of self and other (including language, leisure, beliefs and embodied practices). By exploring identity in diverse contexts, across time and place, the subject maps varying conceptions of self and other and how these conceptions are constructed and maintained. A key focus is on how these mediated conceptions of self and other are translated into material practices of inclusion, exclusion, discrimination, violence and criminalisation.
Learning Objectives
Students who complete this subject should:
• have a foundational knowledge of concepts and approaches to the study and investigation of culture and identity
• appreciate both disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches to the investigation and understanding of culture and identity
• appreciate cross-cultural and cross-epochal approaches to understanding culture and identity.
Generic Skills:
• Critical thinking and analysis through recommended reading, essay writing and tutorial discussion
• Research through competent use of the library and other information sources, and the definition of areas of inquiry and methods of research.
• Engagement with the methodologies of the humanities and social sciences
• Critical self-awareness, being open to new ideas and possibilities through learning how to construct an argument
• Communicating knowledge and arguments intelligibly and economically through essay writing and tutorial discussion
• Ability to assess the strength of an argument through recommended reading, essay writing and tutorial discussion
• Time management and planning through managing and organising workloads for recommended reading, essay and assignment completion.
Subject Structure
Important information about the attendance requirements for this subject is given below. Please pay careful attention to the below, as attendance is assessed for this subject. A grade is not given for attendance, but failure to attend tutorials and workshops as required could result in you failing the subject over all (this is regardless of your performance in the assessments).
Students are expected to attend 2 x 1-hour lectures and a 1-hour tutorial per week, as well as a two-hour skills workshop in each week for three weeks. You must attend at least 9 out of 12 tutorials and 3 workshops. Estimated total time commitment for coursework: 3 contact hours per week plus 5 additional hours per week reading and preparing for assessment tasks and tutorial discussions. Total: 8 hours per week.