With reference to relevant and reliable sources, discuss factors to be considered for sustainable end-of-life management of plastics.
You may focus on a specific city/area/region*.
You may focus on specific plastic types or plastic product types*#
*: Ensure the focus is articulated in the introduction and it is retained throughout the paper.
#: This is not the same as using them as examples at certain points of the discussion.
Task description
1. Write an individual position paper of 1200 – 1500 words in response to the set topic and in
accordance with the assessment criteria set out below.
2. Submit the paper using the template provided in Modules > Assignment 6.
3. Complete the Argument Map included in the position paper template to show the premises
and conclusions your position paper is based on.
4. You must use at least six sources in addition to any readings provided in MyUni. One of the
six sources must be a publication by the United Nations (UN) in relation to their Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) related to the topic. At least three of the other five sources must
be academic. Other sources may be government, non-government organisation or industry
5. You must use at least one figure or table as part of your discussion.
6. Submit the sources in a zip file. Submit your paper separately as a doc or docx file.
Related Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the role of high level communication skills in professional engineering and
research practice.
2. Understand the effects of cultural background on communication idioms.
3. Communicate effectively in English in multi-cultural professional and academic contexts.
4. Analyse and critically evaluate information obtained from diverse sources.
5. Plan engineering solutions that take into account environmental and societal impact.