安大略派遣检查员检查桥梁状况。数据集包含一列(最后检验日期),该列显示了桥梁检查的最后日期。检查桥梁时,桥梁会根据其状况获得分数。该分数称为“桥梁条件指数(BCI)”。 BCI是介于0和100之间(包括0和100)的数字。您可以查看数据集中的最新分数(CURRENT BCI),以及过去的分数(年份从2013到2000的列)。
如果桥梁状况不佳,则可以对其进行修复(即“修复”)。这些可以是主要修复程序,也可以是次要修复程序。数据集包括在桥梁上进行的最后一次大修(LAST MAJOR REHAB)或次修(LAST MINOR REHAB)的年份。
In Assignment 2, you will work with an open dataset that contains information about bridges in Ontario. You can complete the whole assignment with only the concepts from Weeks 1 through 6 of the course. This handout explains the problem being solved, and the tasks to complete, for the assignment. Please read it carefully and in its entirety.
and bridge_data_large.csv
(do not download the files from the Government of Ontario – use only the datasets in the starter files). These are Comma Separated Value (CSV) files, which contain the data in a table-format similar to a spreadsheet. Each row of the table contains information about a bridge. And each column of the table represents a “feature” of that bridge. For example, the latitude and longitude columns tell us the precise location of the bridge. If you would like to take a peek at the data, we recommend opening the files with a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel) rather than using Wing 101.Here is a screenshot of the data opened in Microsoft Excel (your computer may have a different spreadsheet program installed):