
Part 1 (3000-3500 words)

1. Title (no more than 20 words)

• Develop a title that is suitable to your proposal. The title needs to be consistent with the
proposed research methods and topic.

2. Introduction

• Discuss your chosen’s topic relevance to a current issue/industry context.
• Briefly introduce the reader to key issues/topic
• Explain how your proposed research addresses one or more research gaps.

3. Research question

• State your research question (you must refine the scope of your research).

4. Literature Review (Please use meaningful headings/sub-headings)

• Introduction

• Describe the background of the research. Why is your topic relevant to business

• Describe the purpose of your critical literature review. What business issue does your
literature review seek to better understand or solve? What is your overall research question?

• Describe the methods you used for finding the literature. This includes details about your
article selection process such as the databases you have used, search terms, as well as your
inclusion/exclusion criteria.

• Topic development

• Identify and use suitable headings and sub-headings.

• Organize the information that you have found about your chosen topic. What were the key
themes that have emerged from existing literature?

• Discuss and objectively critique the existing knowledge in your chosen topic area. What
have existing scholars in the area found? Are they inconsistencies or disagreements between
specific issues?

• You should include key theories relevant to your topic, and how have various scholars in
the area applied/used them.

• Identify the research gaps. What has existing research not explored, or adequately addressed

5. Research objectives

• State your research objectives (they should be linked to your research gaps).

6. Development of research model and hypotheses/propositions

• Describe and justify the relationships between the different variables/constructs that need to
be examined to solve the research problem.

• Develop adequate research hypotheses or propositions (minimum 4 hypotheses for each

• Illustrate your hypotheses or propositions in a research model.